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Acto de presentación del proyecto el Quijote Políglota 


El miércoles 15 de abril en la sede del Instituto de Cervantes de Madrid a las 13 h se realizó oficialmente la presentación de la obra el Quijote Políglota en la cual tuviera gran protagonismo la Real Academia e Instituto de Estudios Occitanos quien tradujera a la lengua de oc el capítulo 45 de dicha obra.


Al acto asistieron representantes de varias delegaciones diplomáticas de Europa y del resto del Mundo. Estuvieron presentes, entre otros muchos, Rafael Sánchez Ponga, secretario general del Instituto Cervantes, el embajador de Paraguay, Antonio Rivas Palacios –se cuenta con la versión guaraní de El Quijote-, Rocío López, diputada nacional por Toledo, la concejalas de Cultura y Educación de El Toboso, Pilar Arinero y Margarita Martín, Alberto Romero, escultor toboseño, el calígrafo gallego, Cándido Pazos y Joseba Erquicia, del Gobierno de Euskadi.

Entre las representaciones nacionales españolas se encontraban representantes enviados por el Gobierno de Euskadi y de Galicia. Por parte de la Maison y de la Real Academia e Instituto de Estudios Occitanos estuvo el Embajador Excmo. Sr. Antonio Díaz Cayuela de Sète a quien se le pidió por parte del Ayuntamiento de El Toboso que pronunciara un breve discurso, lo que también hicieron los representantes de Euskadi y Galicia, siendo junto al alcalde y a la coordinadora del proyecto los intervinientes que hablaron a un aforo de aproximadamente cien personas. En el discurso El Señor Embajador se presentó como representante en España de la Academia a la que describió como una institución regida por la Maison que quiere ser y se siente representante de la cultura occitana.

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“Donec alitur provideatur”:

Con fecha 2 de mayo de 2015 y “hasta que se disponga lo contrario” Monseñor le prince de Septimania y comte de Gevaudan ha dejado cesante a los Diplomáticos a cargo y por consiguiente sin Representación Diplomática de la Maison en Cuba, Puerto Rico y Ecuador.



Puesto en funciones oficialmente el nuevo Embajador de la Casa en Chile:

Personalmente y en acto público don Rubén Alberto (q.D.g.) puso en posesión al nuevo Embajador de la Maison en Chile S.E. don Rodrigo Hernán Faunes Correa, baron de Mont-Mimat a quien le entregó la Cedula de nominación en la tarde del viernes 24 de abril del corriente año.

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Visita de Monseñor le prince de Septimania y comte de Gevaudan a la República de Chile:

Entre el 23 y el 25 de abril de 2015 don Rubén Alberto de Gavaldá visito la Ciudad Capital de Chile. Entre otras actividades visitó el Palacio de la Moneda; el Instituto Nacional O´Higginiano de Chile y presidió cruzamiento y signación de Caballero y Dama de la OSMBA para el Capítulo de Chile.

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Aggiornamento del Web Site de la Real Orden de San Firminus y San Privat de Mende:

La página web es gobernada desde España por el Embajador en la península S.E. don Antonio Díaz Cayuela de Sète.


La Maison de Gevaudan en el Almanaque de Würzburg :
La Casa de Gavaldá figura en el Directorio Internacional de Soberanas y Nobles Casas. La publicación puede encontrarse y comprarse como Almanac of Würzburg y esta a disposición en todo el mundo desde junio de 2014. La misma fue editada por la Noble Company of the Court of Saint Mary of Walsingham


Directory of International
Sovereign and Noble Houses
846 Years of the State of Würzburg

Various monarchies, sovereign houses, and states have long maintained records of members of royal and noble houses. The Almanach de Gotha served as a form of privately-published social register across national boundaries for European royalty and nobility from the late 18th century until its records were destroyed by the Soviets in 1944.
Diligent researchers located medieval data at the Würzburg Archives in the Würzburger Residenz, Germany. Data found there helped form the basis of the reconstructed Almanac of Würzburg, making it a useful historical directory of ancient and modern royalty and nobility. The Almanac includes reigning and non-reigning sovereign houses, higher nobility, and nobles of many nations.
While some revisionists of history purport today that original Almanacs, such as the Almanach de Gotha, were legal documents, they in fact were not. They were simply an early version of a "Who's Who" among royalty andnobility and served mainly as a social register. The fact that a name or title is not listed often speaks volumes about the petty nature of editors and backers of a private publication in a vain assumption that readers will find those whom are excluded as somehow less credible. It is a routine tactic that continues today on the internet, the current version of the Wild West.


 LONDON 24 July 2013 (ORCNS) - The world has been abuzz with news and talk about the newly-born George, Prince of Cambridge, son of Prince William and Princess Catherine of Cambridge. The newest addition to the British royal family joins a rich tradition that extends well beyond their own national borders. Despite the fact that many are not currently reigning, the world is brimming with royal dynasties. In fact, the British Windsors are in fact of a German line. They originally were the House of Hanover until Queen Victoria married Prince Albert von Saxe-Coburg-und Gotha. That name continued until the King was requested to change the family name to some a little less German sounding in light of the First World War. Let's celebrate the new royal birth by taking a look at just a few of the other royal and serene families of the world, reigning and non-reigning.

Kingdom of Albania - House of Wied
Principality of Andorra - (vested in the Bishop of Urgell)
Duchy of Anhalt - House of Ascania
Empire of Austria-Hungary - House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Grand Duchy of Baden - House of Zaehringen
Kingdom of Bavaria - House of Wittelsbach
Kingdom of Belgium - House of Wettin
Kingdom of Bohemia - House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Kingdom of Brazil - House of Orleans-Braganza
Duchy of Brunswick - House of Welf-Guelph
Kingdom of Bulgaria - House of Wettin
Kingdom of Croatia - House of Savoy
Duchy of Courland - House of Biron
Kingdom of Denmark - House of Oldenburg
Kingdom of Epirus - House of Santa Sofia
Kingdom of Etruria (Napoleonic) - House of Bourbon-Parma
Kingdom of Etruria (Holy Roman) - House of Johnson-Etruria-di Daniell
Kingdom of France (Legitimist) - House of Bourbon
Kingdom of France (Orleanist) - House of Orleans

Kingdom of France (Merovingian) - House of Gavalda-Gevaudan
Empire of France - House of Bonaparte
Kingdom of Finland - House of Hesse
Kingdom of Georgia - House of Bagrationi and Imeretinsky
Empire of Germany - House of Hohenzollern
Kingdom of Great Britain - House of Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-und Gotha)
Kingdom of Greece - House of Oldenburg
Kingdom of Hanover - House of Hanover
Grand Duchy of Hesse-by-the-Rhine - House of Lorraine-Brabant
Holy See - (elected, vested in the Pope)
Kingdom of Italy - House of Savoy
Principality of Liechtenstein - House of Liechtenstein
Principality of Lippe - House of Lippe
Kingdom of Lithuania - House of Urach
Grand Duchy of Luxenbourg - House of Nassau-Weilburg
Sovereign Military Order of Malta - (elected Prince Grand Master)
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin - House of Mecklenburg
Duchy of Modena - House of Habsburg-Este
Empire of Mexico - House of Iturbide
Principality of Monaco - House of Grimaldi
Kingdom of Montenegro - House of Petrovich-Njegosh
Kingdom of Naples - House of Bourbon
Kingdom of the Netherlands - House of Orange-Nassau
Kingdom of Norway - House of Oldenburg
Grand Duchy of Oldenburg - House of Oldenburg
Duchy of Parma - House of Bourbon-Parma
Kingdom of Prussia - House of Hohenzollern
Principality of Reuss - House of Reuss
Kingdom of Romania - House of Hohenzollern
Empire of Russia - House of Romanov
Kingdom of Sardinia - House of Savoy
Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-und Gotha - House of Wettin
Kingdom of Saxony - House of Wetting
Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe - House of Lippe
Kingdom of Serbia - House of Karageorgevich
Kingdom of Spain (Bourbon) - House of Bourbon
Kingdom of Spain (Carlist) - House of Bourbon-Parma
Kingdom of Sweden - House of Bernadotte
Grand Duchy of Tuscany - House of Habsburg-Tuscany
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - House of Bourbon
Principality of Waldeck - House of Waldeck
Kingdom of Westphalia - House of Steinhurst v.u.z. Westfalen
Kingdom of Wurtemburg - House of Wurtemburg
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